9.00-20 tires on rims

Lot Number:524
Start Time:5/28/2024 4:00:00 AM
End Time:6/26/2024 8:32:20 PM
Bid Count:45
Winning Bidder:Bidder
Starting Bid:$1.00
Bid Increment:$2.50
Current Bid:$57.50x 4= $230.00
Bidding complete
No Reserve
No donations for this lot

Annual consignment auction having a large selection of equipment and tools.  

PAYMENT- US Funds. Valid Visa/MC, AMEX, Discover card required to register. Payment of cash, check, and wire transfer accepted with pre approval form Gregg Auctions LLC.  13.5% buyers’ premium for credit card purchases. 10% buyers’ premium or cash, check. Wire transfer add $15 for U.S. transfers, $25 for international. Maine sales tax of 5.5% applies to all items.

PICK-UP/REMOVAL- Loading of items is the responsibility of the buyer, Gregg Auctions LLC its representatives, employees or the seller will not be held responsible for any damages to items or persons from assisting in loading of goods.  Any item not removed by July 10 will be assessed $30 per lot per day storage fee and will not be removed until full storage payment has been made. Any item not removed within 30 days of the auction will be considered abandoned and will become the possession of Gregg Auctions LLC and may be resold with all proceeds retained by Gregg Auctions LLC. It is the buyers responsibility to contact the location representee of their purchased items to coordinate pickup- see CONTACTS FOR ADDRESSES at the bottom of the terms of this sale.

LOCATION- Items located throughout the area- read description for address of lots. If item does not have address location in description it is located at our yard- 830 Mapleton Rd. Mapleton, ME 04757.

PREVIEW- Items located at 830 Mapleton Rd. will have a preview June 25- 1-5pm. Other addresses are by appointment- see CONTACTS FOR ADDRESSES at the bottom of the terms of this sale.

DISCONNECTS- Buyer is responsible for all disconnects, covering, sealing connections left by items removed from the property. All disconnections and associated work must be performed by a qualified, licensed technician performed within industry-accepted guidelines and pertinent laws.

SHIPPING- Gregg auctions can help assist in logistics with shipping arrangements. Shipping, handling, and logistic charges will apply

IMAGES/ DESCRIPTIONS- Images may not be actual item, but be representative of items. All images and descriptions should be reviewed prior to bidding. Gregg Auctions LLC may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising and on the internet but makes no representations. Images & descriptions are believed to be correct but it is the bidder’s responsibility to determine condition, age, genuineness, value or any other determinative factor.

ONLINE CLOSING- 1st lot will close Wednesday June 26 at 2pm with the next lot closing 20 seconds later, then the next lot 20 seconds after that and so on. If a lot receives a bid in the last minute prior to its closing than that lot will be extended for 1 minute and not affect the closing of other lots unless they are linked. Linked lots are lots that are similar if any linked lot receives a bid in the last minute than all lots linked with that lot will be extended 1 minute. Items with a quantity greater than one are times the money (bid x quantity=price),

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LOTING- Gregg Auctions LLC reserves the right to withdraw or re-catalog items in this auction. Lot numbers and sale order may change.

WARRANTIES/VALUE- All property is sold as is where is. Gregg Auctions LLC may attempt to describe the merchandise in advertising and on the internet but makes no representations. In no event shall Gregg Auctions LLC its representatives, employees or the seller be held responsible for having made or implied any warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. Bidder shall be the sole judge of value.

INVOICES & EMAILS- After auction is complete invoices will be emailed out to winning bidders. CHECK EMAIL JUNK & SPAM folders along with your inbox folder for invoices. Invoices will have information as to pick up times and locations. Email greggauctions@gmail.com you believe you are the winning bidder of an item and have not received an invoice via email after 24 hours from the end of the auction.

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Caribou-31 Carroll St.- Andy Guerette (207) 551-9432
Caribou-1773 Wasburn Rd.- James Bacon (207) 227-2573
Caribou- 358 Washburn Rd.- Brad- (207) 498-6300
Caribou- 460 York St.- Brad- (207) 498-6300
Castle Hill- 11 Dudley Rd.- Keith Doyen (207) 768-9090 
Chapman- 3722 West Chapman Road.- Barry Buck (207) 227-0001 
Fort Kent- 1218 N Perly Brook Rd.- John Roy (207) 436-0391
Fort Kent- 3 Strip Rd.- Phil Bouchard (207) 231-2132
Hamlin- 599 Hamlin Rd.- Scott Ayotte (207) 631-8517
Hamlin- 634 Hamlin Rd.- Richard LaPlante (207) 484-1993
Limestone- 60 Grand Falls Rd.- Paul Poitras (207) 325-4259 
Limestone- 275 Grand Falls Rd.- Steve Beaulieu (207) 551-3657
Madawaska-10 Morin Ave. Madawaska- Clifford Dionne (207) 316-8300
Mapleton- 24 Doyen Rd.- Neil Grass (207) 768-9005
Mapleton-505 Hughes Rd.- Ryan Kenney (207)  551-4445
Mapleton- 1407 State Rd.-Scott Young (207) 551-3224
New Canada- 192 New Canada Rd.- Phil Desjardin- (207) 316-3232
Presque Isle- 120 Caribou Rd.- Brent Buck (207) 227-4816  (207) 764-4405
Presque Isle- 90 Egypt Rd.- Garret Hemphill (207) 227-2988
St. David- 335 Lavertu Rd.- James Cote  (207) 316-3828
Van Buren- 287 Champlain Rd.- Nathan Marqius (207) 551-1246
Wallagrass- 1130 Aroostook Rd.- Carl Theriault (207) 631-9589
Washburn- 618 Castle Hill Rd.- James Cote (207) 895-3579,  (207) 316-2828
Washburn- 456 Tabor Rd.- Marty Clayton (207) 227-6713
Woodland-416 Colby Sidiing Rd.- Andrew Ketch (207) 227-4425



830 Mapleton Rd.
Mapleton, Maine 04757
United States

PICK-UP/REMOVAL- Loading of items is the responsibility of the buyer, Gregg Auctions LLC its representatives, employees or the seller will not be held responsible for any damages to items or persons from assisting in loading of goods.  Any item not removed by July 10 will be assessed $30 per lot per day storage fee and will not be removed until full storage payment has been made. Any item not removed within 30 days of the auction will be considered abandoned and will become the possession of Gregg Auctions LLC and may be resold with all proceeds retained by Gregg Auctions LLC. It is the buyers responsibility to contact the location representee of their purchased items to coordinate pickup- see CONTACTS FOR ADDRESSES at the bottom of the terms of this sale.